Tuesday, 25 February 2014


The clinic that I'm with this week is in a town called Bulls. This unique town has embraced puns. You probably thought I was the one making some bad pun with this post title, but driving through Bulls is an eye-rolling, snicker-inducing experience.

When you first enter the town, the big sign says:
Ever herd of Bulls? A town like no udder!

Then as you pass through, pretty much every store has a cutesy name. The whole town is themed around bulls, with bull statues, bull logos, and bull artwork. A fence had been painted with cows dressed like Elvis and backup singers, holding farm tools, in front of a bunch of crops, with Las Vegies written on a sign behind them. The shops include such notable establishments as the Hungry Bull Restaurant, Collect-a-bulls Antiques, and Live-a-bull real estate. There's an ad for an agent that's great--no bull! The rubbish bins are shaped like milk canisters, have a Bulls logo on them (that direct you to the unforget-a-bull website), and are labeled "Respons-a-bull."

There are arrow signs all over the place directing you to local amenities and such. If you ever get lost, you could consult one to find the...

  • Inform-a-bull (Information Centre)
  • Const-a-bull (Police)
  • Relieve-a-bull (Toilets)
  • Delect-a-bull (A cafe)
  • Soci-a-bull (Town Hall)
  • Animal Hospit-a-bull
  • Read-a-bull (Library)

And there's more. There's so many more.

On a big bull statue near the town hall, the plaque is dedicated to someone named James A. Bull.

I'm not making that up.

1 comment:

  1. We actually bought something at that antique store
