Friday, 24 January 2014

Said in Surgery Rounds

Surgeon: What's a "cherry eye"?
Me: The gland of the third eyelid is prolapsed.
Surgeon: No. What's the gland called?
Students: Nictitating gland?
Surgeon: Yes. And what's wrong with it?
Surgeon: It's PROLAPSED

Surgeon: What's a type I open fracture mean? What does the fracture do?
Student: Do?
Surgeon: Where does the bone go?
Student: Uh...?
Surgeon: From the inside to the outside!
Student: How else would the bone go?!

Surgeon: What's the third type of plate?
Students: It makes a bridge.
Surgeon: Yes but what's it called?
Students: A... bridge plate?
*Surgeon starts drawing*
Surgeon: Picture Notre Dam. These things off to the side that support it.
*Draws big arches*
Students: Arches? Scaffold?
*Surgeon writes B _ _ _ _ _ _ _*
Students: Bridge! Bulwark! A! E! O!
*Head shaking*
Students: U!
*Writes B U _ _ _ _ S S*
Students: Buttress!

Surgeon: What type of screws would you use?
Student: Small ones.

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