Monday, 16 December 2013

Commence Week of Awesome

So after suffering through what was pretty much the most horrible stretch of vet school to date, I seem to have been given my reward.

You see, the past two weeks, we had a "block course." Straight lectures all day long, with a few workshops in the afternoon. Normally I don't mind lectures too much, because, you know, we learn vet stuff. However last week was a mind numbing escapade through public health and the legislation of animal welfare, that left me alternately terrified to eat anything, and so bored my brain was melting out of my ears. Who knew there was so much to say about meat processing.

I'm going to leave it at that, more because I don't want to relive it, than the fact that it would make a stupidly boring story.

This week, however, things are going to be different! We started off today with a simple orientation from 9-10am, explaining the week and the two assignments. That was it for the day! Well, sort of. Then I went home and studied for hours.

Normally this wouldn't happen, especially on a Monday, and especially on a week where most days start at 9 or 10. But guess what this week is! No, don't, you'll never get it.

The roster I'm on right now is called "small animal clinical procedures" and is compulsory for small animal trackers like myself. We spend the week getting hands-on practise with clinical techniques like CSF taps, joint taps, eye surgery, bone marrow aspirates, dentistry, chest tubes, orthopaedic surgery, and a dozen other things. We get special tutoring with veterinary surgeons, ophthalmologists, and dentists during this time. It's hands-on, laid back, and we even get a catered lunch on friday.

Even the assignments are kind of awesome. We did one today that involved going out to a store (different groups went to either a pet store, supermarket, or pharmacy) and assessing the available pet products. It's actually a great idea--what can clients go and get over the counter? What potential dangers are there with the products there, or the way the products are displayed/presented? How much information is available on the nutrition of the pet foods? And, after all that, we bought a bunch of truffles before going home.

So bring it on. For a change, the stuff I spent three hours studying today is all stuff I'm going to do tomorrow. Like actually, properly, do myself. Vet school is finally paying off.

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