Sunday, 7 October 2012

Worst Day Ever

So today, we had two tests. One in pharmacology and one in pathology. By name, and even by content, those classes are pretty cool. In reality, they both are run by the two suckiest professors we have this year. I will probably write more on that front later.

They were both computer-based tests. The first one was supposed to be a two hour test on therapeutics. This consisted of 15 multiple choice questions, where you're given a clinical scenario, and literally have ten to fifteen options of drug combinations and there is only one correct answer. At the beginning of the year, the prof casually mentioned that the average mark for this particular test has historically been around 45%.

If the test wasn't stupid enough by itself, the prof was mysteriously missing at the beginning of the test. Our class rep called the undergrad office and tried to get in touch with him, but no one could. We sat there, spinning in our computer chairs, for an entire hour before he turned up. He didn't have any excuse, as far as I can tell he just forgot.

Did he move the test date? Give us extra time at the end? No, we had to complete our two hour test in one hour, and if it was really a problem he would give us some allowance at the end.

That was in the morning.

In the evening (yes, evening... most of our tests this year have been at 5 or 6pm) we had pathology. This was only an hour test, and the prof did show up on time. We were all ready to go, and he bids us begin, and right at that moment the university website goes down so no one can access the test.

There was a fair bit of fumbling, calling the undergrad office, calling IT, and again we had to wait an hour before we were able to take our test. I just wanted to go home and have supper!

Getting home was never such a relief.

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