Monday, 17 September 2012

Paying it Forward (Initiation)

As third years, the tables have turned, and it finally became our responsibility (?) to organise initiation for the first years.

There are some new rules in place, since the class before us went a little overboard, so I think there was some bargaining with the university. I had nothing to do with it, though; all I know is that it was a go.

It was all hush-hush, to keep the date a secret from the first years (as usual), and everyone got to work planning an obstacle course, collecting old dairy products, and filling water balloons. We planned it for when all classes had a common break. When it was time, we all scampered to the locker rooms to get into overalls and masks, scurried to the farm services garage where we had stashed hundreds of water balloons, and then camped outside the first years' classroom. I have shamelessly stolen these photos from my friends on facebook.

First, we stormed their classroom.

We ran them to the concourse, pelting them with water balloons (that's what I did), eggs, and various unidentifiable liquids, though our class wasn't too mean with what we threw. People also had syringes full of juice and were "drenching" the first years with it.

Once rounded up in the concourse, we made them dance to a song that everyone learned at VLE, thanks to our fun and silly cattle lecturer. They got rather doused while they were are it.

Some of our classmates kindly showed them the steps. 

On an unrelated note, I'm the dinosaur with glasses, towards the left. None of my own classmates could figure out who I was.

As usual, we found an excuse to get them to wade through the vet pond.

I think there was some sort of obstacle course around the back of the vet tower, but I didn't contribute to it and am not sure what was there. I think there was an inflatable pool they had to step through, among other things. Here we can see clouds of flour... other people were not so kind with what they threw.

In the end, the first years were pretty much all smiles and laughs. They were gross, but they knew it was  coming, and I think they had fun. And like I said, we weren't too mean to them--less than the previous year, at any rate. 

I took some friendly fire towards the end. Thankfully, I was wearing overalls, but I was not impressed.

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