Here's what I said on facebook:
THAT'S IT LAST EXAM VET SCHOOL DONE.Now that I have time, I promise to update the blog and fill you in on exams and rosters and everything exciting that's been happening. I may sneakily add posts into the "past" so they fit chronologically. I have so many notes and experiences to catalogue!
Vet school has become such a state of being it's hard to imagine actually being finished. No more lectures, treatments, missing lunch and dinner at the small animal hospital, falling asleep in rounds, running back and forth between radiology/surgery/ICU, getting cold and wet in a paddock, trying to make sense of the insides of a cow, pretending to know something about horses, hesitantly checking ESS feedback, endless hours at the large animal teaching unit, dressing up for all the costume parties, writing presentations practically every week, ten thousand assignments, walking 3-legged dogs in circles, yelling at Cornerstone while trying to do paperwork, struggling to get red book signatures, cluelessly palpating muddy sheep, oral exams, and a hundred other things.
I can actually sleep and have meals and hobbies for a change. No more sitting around studying every night, or feeling guilty about not studying every night (for a few days at least...) Phew, I can't believe it's actually over!
It's been a full MONTH of studying for me, and it's not over yet. I still have to hardcore study for the next two weeks, then drive to Auckland for the seven hour computer based North American Licensing Exam. But then at long last I can breathe a sigh of relief, visit the South Island, and fly home and see my dogs and family!
And, let's not forget the most important part:
After five years, I am now a veterinarian.